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EDUARDO RIBEIRO AVENUE: Rescuing the past as a guide for the tourism in the city of Manaus-AM
     EDUARDO RIBEIRO AVENUE: Rescuing the past as a guide for the tourism in the city of Manaus-AM

Magabi, Yara Araújo
Guimarães, Márcia Raquel Cavalcante
Queroga, Luciane da Silva

Periódico: Applied Tourism

Fonte: Applied Tourism; v. 6 n. 3 (2021): Turismo na Amazônia; 27-40


Resumo: This study examines the historical, socio-cultural and tourist elements that are part of the composition of Eduardo Ribeiro Avenue, located in the city of Manaus-AM. Having as its general objective: to investigate how the Eduardo Ribeiro Avenue and the historical and tourist aspects that compose it, can be analysed in the context of heritage interpretation. Being its specific objectives: to identify the history of this avenue and its importance to the formation of cultural manauara's  patrimony, raise the current elements that complete the landscape of the street and analyse its relationship with tourism and, suggests a touristic visitation route focused specifically for the Eduardo Ribeiro Avenue having as foundation the principles of patrimonial interpretation. A qualitative research with descriptive and exploratory objectives using bibliographical, documental and field technical procedures. Concerning the results, the Eduardo Ribeiro Avenue is considered the main artery of the centre of Manaus, this street has throughout its extension important historical buildings in addition to being one of the centres of commerce in the capital. The historicity is embodied in its urban layout, in its paving, in its cobblestones, in the century-old buildings that make it up along with its infrastructure, making the Avenue a very relevant space for tourist activity in the capital. Its relationship with tourism is based on the perspective of the rescue of a historical legacy for the manauara society and most importantly, the possibility of scripting the aforementioned avenue by the local tourist trade having as a foundation the principles of patrimonial interpretation.