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Tourist awareness of the residents of the Primavera Human Settlement for the protection and preservation of the Lomas de Primavera, Carabayllo district, Peru
     Tourist awareness of the residents of the Primavera Human Settlement for the protection and preservation of the Lomas de Primavera, Carabayllo district, Peru
     Conciencia turística de los pobladores del Asentamiento Humano Primavera para la protección y preservación de Lomas de Primavera, Carabayllo, Lima

Olavarria Benavides, Heber Luis
Fernández Tello, Jackelyn
Ventura Suclupe, Percy Ronald

Periódico: Turismo y Patrimonio

Fonte: Turismo y patrimonio; No 17 (2021): Turismo y patrimonio; 99-119


Resumo: Lomas de Primavera is a natural resource, attractive for tourism and research. It is located in the Carabayllo district, north of Lima, with an area of 1700 hectares. Thanks to its open space with beautiful landscapes, biodiversity, fauna, flora, historical and archaeological resources, it has tourist and cultural value, so its development must be sustainable. Therefore, it is important to determine the tourist awareness of the inhabitants of the Primavera Human Settlement regarding Lomas de Primavera as a natural resource, since they must participate in its protection and preservation. The exploration is done based on three categories: knowledge, values and attitudes. The research has a qualitative approach, and its design is phenomenological; the sample is made up of 35 residents and the technique used was the interview. In addition to the presentation of the theoretical framework and the participation of institutions, results and recommendations are shown.