Publicações de Turismo
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Tours in Argentina. Potential tourist destinations in Argentina
     Tours in Argentina. Potential tourist destinations in Argentina
     Tours in Argentina. Potenciales destinos turísticos de Argentina

Diblasi, María Antonella
Bianco, Franco Andrés

Periódico: Revista Turismo e Identidad

Fonte: Revista de Turismo e Identidad; Vol. 2 Núm. 1 (2021); 141-156


Resumo: This interdisciplinary, collaborative project falls within the Research project carried out by the language area, “Teaching foreign languages for tourism students”. It was first put into action in 2019, with the aim of framing future scenarios that would motivate our students to learn and perform in meaningful and effective ways. In geography which is a subject applied to tourism, it wasadopted a systemic approach and the complexity theory, as we claim that tourism is part of a complex system. Students worked in teams to find a solution to a problem by empowering and promoting an unknown or forgotten touristic destination in Argentina. In doing so, they applied the concepts learnt and they developed diverse transdisciplinary skills they will utilize in their professional lives. The results showed motivated students, improved academic performances in both subjects: English II and Geography and tourist destinations in Argentina, and consequently, a higher number of students passing both subjects.