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The influence of cultural heritage on the selection of cruise itinerary planning
     The influence of cultural heritage on the selection of cruise itinerary planning
     La influencia del patrimonio cultural en la selección del itinerario de Cruceros

Loscertales-Sánchez, Pilar
Peláez-Verdet, Antonio

Periódico: Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research

Fonte: Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research; Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research; 45-58


Resumo: Cruise tourism is one of the segments that offers a strong economic impact in the destinations where the ship calls, with great interest from port cities in being part of the itineraries established by shipping companies. This allows them to benefit from passenger consumption while on the ground (Dwyer & Forsyth, 1998; Gouveia & Euse?bio, 2019). On the other hand, the selection of ports of call is influenced by the size of the ship, its number of passengers, the distance between ports and the attractions of the cities (Chen & Nijkamp, 2018). Likewise, it is of great importance to weight the cultural heritage and the excursions of the ports of call against potential competitors, to position itself as an attractive port within the tourist itineraries (Cusano et al., 2017). In this study, taking into account a selection of Spanish ports and the analysis of their cultural heritage, the economic report of cruise spending in destinations is established, taking into account their heritage attractiveness and their nearest hinterland, as well as the importance of establish a national itinerary against the economic situation which comes from Covid-19.