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Use of terroir products as a tool for online destination branding experience: case of moroccan terroir products
     Use of terroir products as a tool for online destination branding experience: case of moroccan terroir products
     Los productos como herramienta para la experiencia de marca de destino en línea: caso de productos de Terroir marroquí

Sadki, Assia
Mekkaoui, Soumiya

Periódico: Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research

Fonte: Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research; Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research; 309-322


Resumo: Terroir products can have an important added value to the promotion of a destination due to their association to a specific territory and history. They can contribute to different sectors of tourism: gastronomic tourism, rural tourism, ecotourism and health and wellbeing tourism. With this diversity, they can be used to create new attractions or enhance old ones as it can bring a distinguished touch to the experience. In this context, terroir products can be used in the branding of a destination, and as we are in a digitalized era, we can speak of online destination branding experience. Our objective is to understand if the tourism regional council of Agadir made use of terroir products of Agadir and its surroundings to promote the different tourism sectors of this area online, and to understand the actual online destination branding experience that the official website and social media of Agadir provide to potential tourists through these local products. To achieve this, we conducted a content analysis, a qualitative research method that helped us analyze the official online platforms of Agadir and its region.