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Man de Camelle museum: turistic catalyst of Costa da Morte (A coruña)
     Man de Camelle museum: turistic catalyst of Costa da Morte (A coruña)
     Museo Man de Camelle: dinamizador turístico de la Costa da Morte (A coruña)

Hermo Sánchez, Carmen
Serodio Domínguez, Andrea

Periódico: Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research

Fonte: Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research; Vol 3 No 4 (2020): Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research; 199-227


Resumo: The town of Camarin?as, a coastal town located on the Galician Costa da Morte, has always counted among its actions for promoting tourism with resources closely linked to the sea, fishery, marine products industries and traditional crafts. In recent years, this town and its surroundings have focused on boosting their efforts as a tourist destination inspired by the search for natural spaces and landscape areas as well as the high-quality gastronomic offer or the knowledge of local history. This offer also combines cultural heritage tourism with a traditional and somewhat local proposal, similar to the one carried out by most of small towns in Galicia. However, in 2015 the Man de Camelle Museum was inaugurated, a totally innovative project that reflects art and nature in the same approach with a unique and very up-to-date proposal. In the small fishing village of Camelle we can find one of the most authentic artworks that has emerged in the peninsula linked to artistic movements such as Land Art: the garden-museum of Manfred Gna?dinger (Radolfzell, 1936-Camarin?as, 2002). This new centre points out the value of his work, which turned into his legacy after his death shortly after the ecological catastrophe of the Prestige. Under a unique and contemporary look, this Museum shows and collects both his work intimately linked to the territory and his legacy of respect and immersion in a wild nature where wind and sea receive a fascinated visitor.