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Tourist bus maps as contribution to tourist movements in Guayaquil
     Tourist bus maps as contribution to tourist movements in Guayaquil
     Mapas turísticos de buses como aporte al desplazamiento del turista en Guayaquil

Caicedo Barreth, Alba
Fun Sang, Yara
Torres Quiroga, Sergio

Periódico: Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research

Fonte: Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research; Vol 3 No 3 (2020): Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research; 452-477


Resumo: The movement of tourists at a destination is a fundamental aspect to consider when looking to conceive their welfare. Cities with an eminent tourist development provide facilities to the visitor in terms of internal mobility, but not the case of Guayaquil, who despite having an organized transport and a growing tourism performance, it is evident the lack of knowledge of the tourists in terms of mobilizing by public transport in the centre of the city, where the greatest number of tourist attractions are grouped. The main aim of this research was to analyze the connectivity between public transport and the tourist attractions of Guayaquil for the proposal of a tourist bus map. This research presents a mixed methodology (Hernández et al, 2010) because theoretical methods and empirical methods were used, through surveys to tourists to obtain their opinion of necessary improvements in mobility, the need of maps, necessary elements in them, exhibition places, among others; interviews with involved actors, and direct observation that highlighted the distances, frequencies, stops and accesses to the tourist attractions involved. The results of the survey allowed us to organize the inclusion criteria and design a tourist bus map of the centre of Guayaquil that contributes to the mobility of tourists in public transport, whose process steps are included in the practical applications of this work.