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Use of conflict management techniques as a business management and internal marketing tool in the hotel sector
     Use of conflict management techniques as a business management and internal marketing tool in the hotel sector
     Utilización de técnicas de gestión del conflicto como herramienta de gestión empresarial y marketing interno en el sector hotelero

Paradinas Márquez, María del Carmen

Periódico: Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research

Fonte: Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research; Vol 3 No 3 (2020): Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research; 131-144


Resumo: challenges and face change in a way that allows them not only to survive, but to continue to generate competitive advantage, especially companies dedicated to the tourism sector, which is such an important engine of the Spanish economy. One of the ways to stand out in the environment is to focus their strategic efforts on increasing their sales and attracting the greatest number of tourism-related agents, but this implies that sometimes they leave the internal customer out of their competitive plans. Precisely, one of the main values in these organizations is the human capital that they are made up of. They are the ones who make the organization work and the fact of working in an environment with the least possible number of conflicts and a good working environment makes them more productive and the best brand ambassadors, both of the workplace and of the tourist location where it is located, thus assuming a dynamic element of the local economy. The aim of this paper is to analyse which tools, such as the well-known Alternative Dispute Resolution, are used by companies to manage conflicts that may arise among their staff and thus generate a feeling of belonging and connection between staff and the company. The analysis has focused on reviewing the current state of the issue, focusing the research on the possible impact that the conflict may have on tourists.