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Tourism in Mexico development planning (2000-2024)
     Tourism in Mexico development planning (2000-2024)
     El turismo en la planeación del desarrollo de México (2000-2024)

Torrez Vázquez, Jenner
Pérez Sánchez, Beatriz
Hernández Govea, Luis Manuel

Periódico: Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research

Fonte: Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research; Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research; 413-424


Resumo: The Mexican State assumes the rectory of development, therefore the federal executive presents every six years a national development plan, which allows the development of sectoral, special, regional and institutional programs. Tourism is subsumed as a dynamic subsector of vital importance in planning for economic development, derived from its role as a foreign exchange provider and employment generator. The objective of this work is to identify and analyze the regulatory framework of tourism and its importance in the economic planning of Mexico in the period 2000-2024. The methodology applied is documentary type with an exploratory-descriptive design that uses secondary sources of information; the presidential reports and national development plans of the reference period were consulted. Results and conclusions: the economic development process has required the establishment of conditions that ensure the dynamism of the services sector, as well as fully addressing its problems, which has implied a thematic and priority variety in planning, where the economic activity of tourism has become in growth axis. In the review of the legal framework of tourism, suitable additions are detected that support and guide the design of the planning, and envisage actions that were materialized in the medium term in six-year terms and there is no comprehensive future planning, rather, tourism it is dependent on the trend of urbanization, investment and growth of tourist activities located as a safe offer and other productive activities that generate greater impact on the economy.