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An reflexion about new tourist products in the sierra de córdoba: routes through history
     An reflexion about new tourist products in the sierra de córdoba: routes through history
     Una reflexión sobre nuevos productos turísticos en la sierra de córdoba: rutas por la historia

Mora Márquez, Cesar

Periódico: Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research

Fonte: Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research; Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research; 54-62


Resumo: The present investigation began researching different tourist routes in rural areas that were presented within historical lines. The objective of the present work is to carry out a study of the viability and possibility of a route or routes in the municipal area of ??Córdoba, exactily in “la sierra de Córdoba”, where so many well-known historical people of the history of Spain and others well-known around the world, walked around these mountains, lived in rural homes or spent part of their days in these remote mountains places. Another objective of this paper is to improve the value of the rural areas, sometimes nobody know about it in a country with low population density if we compare with some European neighbors, where it is increasingly growing migrations from the rural world to cities and coastal areas, no doubt, any new tourism product could revitalize these areas sometimes depressed. Finally and as a third objective, is to learn more about those characters so important for our history, in their most private and perhaps most unknown things, where philosophers like Seneca loved the meditation, characters as important for the history of the humanity as Columbus, had his walks and even legends, so many  people who were born or lived in the city of Córdoba and who had so close to this paradise, the mountains of Córdoba. The methodology  is based on secondary information sources.