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Waterwheels as tourist resource and signs of identity of the Ricote Valley (Region of Murcia-Spain)
     Waterwheels as tourist resource and signs of identity of the Ricote Valley (Region of Murcia-Spain)
     Las norias como recurso turístico y seña de identidad del Valle de Ricote (Región de Murcia-España)

Gil Meseguer, Encarnación
Bravo Sánchez, José Marcelo
Bernabé-Crespo, Miguel Borja
Gómez Espín, José María

Periódico: Gran Tour - Revista de Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: GRAN TOUR, REVISTA DE INVESTIGACIONES TURÍSTICAS; Núm. 22 (2020): Gran Tour, Revista de Investigaciones Turísticas - Nº 22 (Julio-Diciembre)


Resumo: The Ricote Valley is part of the upper section of the Segura Valley (Region of Murcia, Spain). At the bottom of the valley and in the terraces close to the river, irrigation has been carried out using the Segura ‘bleed’ model, based on dams and canals systems staggered depending on the slope. The extension of the orchards above the level of the ditches has been possible thanks to the use of water lifting devices like waterwheels. These wheels form a hydraulic heritage that have become hallmarks of the Ricote Valley. This article highlights the valuation of heritage of these wheels, turned into a cultural resource of water ways for tourist diversification. We begin with the 1929 catalog, which has been updated through field work and more than 200 interviews conducted with the people of the valley in 2017 and 2018.