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Tourism-induced changes on territorial configuration. Perceptions by residents of Mindo, tourism destination (Ecuador)
     Tourism-induced changes on territorial configuration. Perceptions by residents of Mindo, tourism destination (Ecuador)
     Cambios en la configuración territorial por el turismo. Percepción de la población del destino turístico Mindo, Ecuador

Lastra-Bravo, Xavier B.
Yánez Ayabaca, Alba
Garzón Cruzate, Alexandra
Salcedo Tandayamo, Katherine

Periódico: Gran Tour - Revista de Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: GRAN TOUR, REVISTA DE INVESTIGACIONES TURÍSTICAS; Núm. 22 (2020): Gran Tour, Revista de Investigaciones Turísticas - Nº 22 (Julio-Diciembre)


Resumo: Mindo is one of the most important ecotourism destinations in Ecuador, both for national and international tourists. Tourism has a strong development in past decades modifying the local productive activities, its society and territory. For this reason, we studied the residents’ perceptions on tourism-induced changes. A survey was applied to 432 residents to measure their satisfaction with tourism activity and their perception on past two past decades’ changes. A general satisfaction with tourism development and tourist’s presence was identified, and younger and tourism-related workers perceive as positive most of the changes experienced. Waste management, informal activity and inequitable distribution of income are aspects perceived negatively. Given the high dependency on tourism activity, with these information authorities can plan strategies to prevent Mindo from becoming a stagnant destination.