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Tourism and new rural living. An analysis on the municipalities situated in the area of Bogotá
     Tourism and new rural living. An analysis on the municipalities situated in the area of Bogotá
     Turismo y nueva ruralidad. Análisis para municipios en el área de influencia de Bogotá

Landínez León, Miguel Ricardo

Periódico: Gran Tour - Revista de Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: GRAN TOUR, REVISTA DE INVESTIGACIONES TURÍSTICAS; Núm. 19 (2019): Núm. 19 (2019): Gran Tour, Revista de Investigaciones Turísticas - Nº 19 (Enero-Junio)


Resumo: The purpose of the following article is to invistigate the characteristics of the dynamics which are beginning to emerge in relation to rural-based tourism within the territories close to Bogotá. The metholodgy which was used for the investigation was qualitative based with an emphasis on a study of evidence that covers two aspects; the anyalsis of tourism policy documents for these territories and their plans for development. Additionally, interviews were conducted with those individuals responsbile for the management of tourism within the municipalities. The information obtained was then anyalised through the use of cards that had six variables as axes of analysis. The evidence indicated that these dynamics arise from rural communities in isolation with the initial intention of replacing income, where the local governments try to integrate these communities through the means of various tourism plans and programmes.