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Analysis of the translation of promotional touristic texts (French-Spanish): three cities from the Occitanie
     Analysis of the translation of promotional touristic texts (French-Spanish): three cities from the Occitanie
     Análisis de la traducción de textos turísticos promocionales (Francés-Español): tres ciudades de la Occitania

Castellano Martínez, José María

Periódico: Gran Tour - Revista de Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: GRAN TOUR, REVISTA DE INVESTIGACIONES TURÍSTICAS; Núm. 18 (2018): Gran Tour, Revista de Investigaciones Turísticas - Nº 18 (Julio-Diciembre)


Resumo: This paper focuses on the analysis of three promotional touristic texts from France and its translation into Spanish. The aims of this paper are: firstly, to go in depth in the concept of promotional touristic text as a specialized unit of sense from the perspective of the Translation Studies; secondly, the importance of translators and linguists in the Touristic field as a quality guarantee in the process of brand and branding. For this purpose, the main translation mistakes are identified in the Spanish versions from ST segments to offer a better translation. Those ones affect in a negative way to the touristic brand of the destination or the product. After the theoretical framework and the texts analysis, conclusions about possible future studies are drawn.