Mini course: Introduction to Supervised Learning
Prof. Marcelo
de Souza Lauretto
1. Implement a function called Zero_Rule(X, y), which receives a training data represented
by X (data frame containing the attribute values) and y (vector of factors
representing the classes) and returns the majority class.
2. Implement a function called One_Rule(X,y)
which receives a training data represented by X (data frame containing the
attribute values) and y (vector of factors representing the classes) and
provides the optimum one-rule decision. The output shall be a data frame
containing the columns:
a. Value: value of the category (if nominal
attributes) or maximum value of the interval (for numeric attributes)
b. Class
3. Extend the function One_Rule
in order to accept, besides the resubstitution error,
also the Gini Index, Information Gain and Gain Ratio. The function must receive
an additional argument, type, which determines which score function shall be
type=”ER”: resubstitution error
type=”GI”: Gini index
type=”IG”: Information gain
type=”GR”: Gain Ratio